Operation Day - 18th June 2013

So, 6 months to the day of my last jaw operation, I'm sat waiting to go in again. 

I'm desperately hoping that once this problematic plate is removed I'm going to be free of these naughty pains that shoot off every time I moved mouth. 

I'm hoping I can chew, smile, laugh, talk and brush my teeth with no pain. 

If it doesn't work, at least we know we've tried something and ruled a possible cause out.

I'm all checked in at the hospital, had my obs done and now it's just a case of waiting. 

Typically I'm absolutely starving, I could just eat something really stodgy, fatty and bad for me. Hmmmmmmm I'll stop thinking about food as mouth is watering! 

I'm feeling all nervous and Shaky, the waiting is just the worst!  It gives you time to think and get yourself worked up. Made even worse by the fact relatives aren't allowed to wait with you. They've said it's because there's not enough space but there's only actually me in the waiting area! I'm sat on one side of the wall and my mums sat on the other!  

I'm so anxious about the anaesthetic again, I don't mind being cut, drilled, stitched, sore and swollen but I have an almighty fear of anaesthetic. I think it's not being in control that's the problem... I'm a total control freak! 

Right, I'll see you on the other side! 

Wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed this works! 

KjS-T x 


  1. Hope surgery to remove the plate went well. I've been reading your blog and the pain you been going through sounds unbearable. I will also be having double jaw surgery toward the end of the year. Is it too soon to know if the removal of plate help your trigemial nerve pain?


  2. Hello
    I've been following your blog! I hope your surgery fixed the problem. Would like to hear how everything is going.


  3. Hi Guys,

    thanks for your messages. I don't think this latest op has worked, I had a brief relief straight after surgery when i was numb but its back to how it was before the op now. The full ins and outs are in my latest update.

    Good Luck with yous Chanel.

    KjS-T x
