Recovery Day 74 - 1st March 2013

Woke up at 08:27, I still felt 'unwell' as well as having the usual aches and pains and my cheek was still extra swollen and firm so at 08:29, I called the doctors. It doesn't open until 08:30, but if you get on the phone at 08:29 you won't have too much of a wait on the phone... The things we do to ensure a doctors appointment! I was 3rd in the queue to be answered, that's good, I've been 38th before now. I got an appointment with Dr N for 9:30 so I got up, and got washed and dressed. I've not been putting make up on as it hurts my chin but this morning I looked that rough, I had to put some on. I think it's the extra puffiness that's making me look so awful. 

We got to the surgery at 09:25 and didn't have much of a wait before Dr N called me in. I explained to her the pains in my ears and my swollen, firm cheek. She checked my temperature and looked in my ears. My temperature was normal but she described my right eardrum as 'opaque' she said she was concerned about the increased swelling and prescribed some amoxicillin. She said that the trapped mucus in the Eustachian tube may have become infected, and infected my sinuses. She also prescribed some codeine to try for the pain. 

After the doctors I had a routine dental appointment, they didn't do anything other than look in my mouth really, they didn't want to do anything too extreme so soon after surgery. He said my teeth are really clean considering and he doesn't want to see me for another 6 months. 

After the dentist we went home and I made Matt an omelette for his lunch, I made myself one but only ate half, I just didn't really feel hungry. When Matt went to work I had a sit down for half and hour and took some of my new antibiotics and painkillers. I then nipped to the village to run a few errands for dad. I was well wrapped up as it was a bit on the chilly side. When I got back to dad he advised me that he hadn't had any lunch. It was 3pm and if I hadn't of had lunch by then he'd have shouted at me! I nipped home and made him and his work mate a BLT. It smelt and looked amazing!! Shame all I could do was 'smell' 

When I got back home I sorted out my sisters birthday stuff out as its her 21st on Sunday and put some washing away, by that time I was tired and sore and I had a really bad headache and felt sick. I lay by the fire for an hour watching TV and playing on my iPad. I literally had no energy and felt very lethargic and nauseous and had no energy.  

I made my tea of chilli and rice and after it I felt a little bit better, well less sick at least. Matt came home at 8pm and we watched some TV. After taking my last antibiotic I went to bed and watched some more TV. I fell asleep just after midnight quite easily for the second night I a row. I just wish I felt fresh when I wake up instead of groggy. 


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