Recovery Day 73 - 28th February 2013

Woke up at 08:30, my right cheek was still harder and more swollen than the left and I had shooting pains in my left ear. I felt and looked awful but had no choice other than to get up as I had a meeting in work. I took some painkillers, got dressed and left. Matt drove me to my meeting as work is about an hour away and I'm not confident driving long journeys yet because my ear issue is effecting my balance and I'm worried I'll go dizzy and crash my car. I've been stressing about being off work lately and I felt very reassured after my meeting so now I can put that to the back of my mind and focus on my recovery. 

On the way home I called Mr D's secretary and asked her about my hard, swollen cheek. She said she would speak to Mr D and get back to me. When we got home Matt made us some pancakes for lunch. Then he went to work. It was a nice, warm afternoon and I was in quite a lot of pain so, to try and take my mind off it I spent some time in the garden. We've had some naughty moles digging up our lawn so I flattened some mole hills and did some weeding. I didn't do anything too strenuous but it was nice to get some fresh air. 

After spending some time in the garden I did some cooking for tonight and tomorrow's tea making spaghetti bolognese and chilli and had a little tidy up. By this point I was drained, tired and sore and was really struggling with sharp pains in my right ear. I just wanted to go to bed really but it was far too early. I'm disheartened that with one thing and another at the moment I'm in more pain now than the first few weeks post op. I got ready for bed then Matt popped home from work and we had some chilli for tea. 

When he went back to work I went to bed and watched TV with dogs. The dogs really have been great company for mr during my recovery and they know when I'm in pain or feeling down. I set my alarm for 08:27 in the morning so I could call the doctors at 08:29, any later and I'll be struggling for an appointment. Unfortunately Mr D didn't get back to me so I'll go to the GP, I know how busy Mr D gets. 

I fell asleep about midnight. 

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