Recovery Day 70 - 25th February 2013

I woke up at 8:30 and without sounding like a broken record, I woke up the same as I do most mornings. Groggy, deaf and sore! Oh how I long to wake up of a morning and actually feel refreshed and ready to take the day! I don't feel groggy for the whole day though and once I've been up for an hour or so the thick head does lift but the pain lingers around all day. Especially the teeth and gum pain.

I woke up really hungry so I had some ready brek with cinnamon on for breakfast, it was only 10:30 and I was already frustrated with the pain. The teeth and gum pain goes deep, to the root of the teeth or so it feels but today my actual jaw joints are sore too and if I touch the end of my nose that's sensitive too. To help take my mind off it I set about some tasks at home, first I stripped the bedding from the bed. The dogs thought this meant playtime so I had to raise my voice to them. When I raise my voice I obviously move my mouth in a way that triggers movement in my chin resulting in very unpleasant sensations so that made the bed changing stressful!! 

After changing the beds I had a little clean upstairs and had a sly play on Candy Crush! My chapped cut lips that have lingered since the operation are finally starting to clear with the help of the Blistex relief cream. I'm slathering it on every hour or so but it's doing the trick! 

My dad had brought me some nice soups to have for lunch this week but I left them in their fridge so it meant my lunch today had to be tuna.... Which I was feeling or tinned tomato soup which I hate!! Ooohhhh decisions decisions! I went for the tinned tomato soup and with a load of salt and pepper it actually tasted ok. After lunch, some painkillers and a little sit down I cleaned downstairs then it was time for Matt to come in. 

We picked mum up from the train station then went for a walk with her and the dogs to the beach. I love getting fresh air but it was freezing. My chin, where I rub the chilli cream in was burning like mad when we were walking into the wind and this is normally numb, good sign?

After our walk we went home and I made macaroni cheese with baby pasta for tea. I've never eaten so much pasta in my life but its so easy to get down its perfect at the moment. I was stuffed after tea and we spent the evening watching the soaps. By 10:30 I was tired and sore so I took some painkillers and went to bed. I fell asleep nice and early... I thank the fresh bedding for that. 

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