Recovery Day 68 - 23rd February 2013

Woke up this morning with a headache, deaf, aching gums and teeth and felt generally groggy.  I got up straight away as to try and relieve the deafness and I put some Blistex on my lips. Im hoping this is going to be treatment that works for this persistent blistering.... They're definitely looking better already.the right hand side of my face is more swollen than the left today... Which is annoying.

I'm dreading every time I brush my teeth at the moment and this morning was no exception, I can't explain the pain but its horrible and sends a shiver down my spine and brings tears to my eyes. It's similar to the chin sensations but worse. After getting a shower, changing my bands, drying and straightening my hair, I thought I'd put some make up on to see if I could make myself feel normal. My skin almost felt stingy and sensitive when I put foundation on and I just had to avoid my chin! My face still doesn't look like mine when I smile, to me it looks like I've piled 20 pounds on in my face. 

My mum came round for lunch so I made sweet chilli pasta, she had it with baby pasta too and it went down well. After a little catch up we went to my aunties. It was lovely to her and my uncle and my cousins popped round too so that was nice. My Aunty hasn't seen me for a few weeks and she said my face has gone down a lot. To me it looks the same but that's probably because I'm looking at it I the mirror a million times a day!! My little cousins were being monkeys messing around, I tried to shout at them but i couldn't because the movement from my chin was too painful so I got mum to do it instead!! 

In the evening I couldn't decide what I fancied for tea so mum said that Matt was to decide on my behalf... He chose Indian take away as he knows this is my favourite at the moment and is easy for me to eat . I got chicken tikka masala minus the chicken, with rice and spinach. Yum yum yum After tea we just chilled out at home. By the evening I was drained, tired and sore so I got an early night. Unfortunately I didn't get to sleepy until after 2am as my head was full of.... Stuff 

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