Recovery Day 67 - 22nd February 2013

I woke up at 9am and felt awful, headache, sore teeth and gums, aching cheeks and back to having a sensitive chin. I was also quite deaf this morning. Matt got up and sorted the dogs out and brought me a glass of milk up so I could take some tablets. I sat I bed for half and hour or so to see if sitting up would make my head feel any better and to give the pain killers a chance to work. There wasn't much of a improvement all morning and as well as the mentioned issues I also had a stomach ache and felt sick. The swelling is doing really well at the moment, it still fluctuates depending on jaw usage but the main swelling points now are my cheeks and they look puffy more than anything. 

I got up and had two poached eggs for breakfast mashed up with salt and pepper on them, I quite enjoyed them but still didn't feel right. I took advantage of not having to leave the house by lying on the coach for the majority of the morning and Barney was only too happy to keep me company! I just couldn't find the energy or concentration to do anything. At lunch time I got washed and put a bit of make up on in an attempt to feel a bit brighter but it didn't work. I started feeling even more sick so I had some ready brek to see if I felt like this because I was hungry? The ready brek made me feel marginally  better but I still felt like poo. I just wanted to go back to bed but was adamant to say sitting up, this headache and hearing problem is defiantly down to Eustachian tube dysfunction and the doctors have said sitting up helps the mucus drain. 

Dad popped round at about 4pm and he kept me company for a few hours before we both went to pick mum up from the train station. To tip me over the edge further mum and dad went to McDonald's for tea. The aroma of burgers and chips whizzing round my head was making my mouth water but there really isn't any meal I can eat from McDonald's so I just had a banana milkshake. I was proud that I managed to drink it from a straw, but I could only successfully suck with the straw positioned in the left side of my mouth. When we got back to mum and dads I still felt awful and wasn't fussed about having any tea. Obviously mum and dad wouldn't let me not have anything so it was decided I'd have fish pie. I had a look in the mirror at my lower jaw in my mouth as something was really hurting it, there are quite a few wires sticking out of my brace at the moment and I think one has been pressing on my gums and has kind of bruised it so I've pushed a bit of wax over to see if that helps. The fish pie was actually lovely and mum mashed it all up so it was easy to eat. 

I stayed at mum and dads until Matt finished work then he came to pick me up. It was nice to get out and I enjoyed their company. It helped to take my mind off this annoying pain. Pain in the head and mouth is horrible, it makes you want to curl up in a ball and go to sleep. My lips are also very chapped and dry, this has been going on since the surgery and they won't fully heal. Dads given me some Blistex Relief cream to try. 

I went to bed at about 11:30 and felt really hot, sick and still had a headache. I managed to fall asleep quite easily but kept waking up through the night feeling yucky. Hope I have a better day tomorrow.

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