Recovery Day 64 - 19th February 2013

Aargh I had a amazing sleep last night, so was disheartened to feel so rough when I woke up. Matt had arranged a meeting with a mortgage advisor this morning as our house is up for sale so I forced myself to get up so I could go to the meeting with him. So after I'd 'come too'a bit and taken some painkillers I got up and carried out the morning routine. My face was quite puffy this morning and extremely sore, mum has diagnosed this as "over doing it yesterday" to be fair she is probably right.... Grrrrr dont you hate it when that happens!!

It was really icy outside and there was a really thick frost covering the cars and the fields at the front and back of the house were white. Normally these are perfect dog walking conditions but for me but at the moment the colder the weather the more painful my face. So it was a massive coat, scarf, hat and gloves for me! 

After our meeting we headed home and I made some lunch of baby pasta, baby button mushrooms, red onion and tiny bacon pieces and roasted tomatoes with sweet chilli sauce. This is one of my favourite dishes at the moment, it's tasty, healthy, easy to eat and its easy to adapt it to a Matt friendly dish too... With adult pasta

In the afternoon we put the heating and the fire on and spent some time looking for new houses on the Internet, this was the perfect afternoon task as I was pretty drained and tired so it was good to relax. I think you'll see from the picture that Boo was also very relaxed asleep on my bottom!  At 5pm we went for a house viewing but we were disappointed with our findings! 

In the evening we went to mum and dads, Matt made them pancakes for dessert and I kept quiet and played Candy Crush on the iPad because my jaw was tired. I just had a few pancakes for tea as I was still full from lunch. 
When Matt had finished Pancake duty he went to play football for an hour so I stayed with mum and dad. 

I was getting a funny sensation in my numb lower lip this evening, not the usual electric shocks (although I was still getting them) but a little flutter almost like somebody was tickling it with a feather. I poked it with a tooth pick and it's still numb but this is defiantly a good sign. I was also jumping every 5 minutes because I was getting very sharp shooting pains in my cheeks and nose. They're so annoying and Im ready for them to take a hike now. Some days are worse than others but this evening especially they've been very frequent and severe. 

I went to bed at about 11pm and fell asleep ok... Ish 

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