Recovery Day 62 - 17th February 2013

Woke up at 08:30 and felt awful, thick head, deaf ears, sore gums, aching teeth and sore ears, cheeks and nose. If this is what a good nights sleep does for you I might be better struggling!! Hubby fetched me a fresh drink and I got some paracetamol and ibuprofen down me. I then sat up in bed for 10 minutes then forced myself to get up. As I was still feeling rough and hated what I was seeing in the mirror I decided that I might benefit from a little pampering. I got a shower and put a conditioning treatment on my hair, I persevered and gave my teeth a really long, thorough brush (not pleasant, teeth brushing is agony at the moment)  I smothered myself in moisturising oil then dried and straightened my hair.

As a treat Matt made me soft pancakes for breakfast, I had Nutella and squashed blueberries on mine. After breakfast I finished getting dressed then went to get my nails done and my eyebrows waxed with mum. I felt a little nicer after my pampering but i was sore after trying to chat to the beautician. I spent the afternoon with mum and dad and dad washed my car for me (bonus!)  

For tea mum made steak and chips for her and dad, it smelt amazing and I'm not really a fan of steak. For me she made mashed sweet potato, roasted tomatoes and steak gravy. It was delicious. Dessert was mashed pears and ice cream. That was also very enjoyable. Mum definitely gets an A* for imagination and creativity!! 

The evening was spent chilling out, I was on my iPad, dad was on his iPad and mum was on her iPhone.... This is what modern day life has come to, but for tonight it enabled me to rest my tired jaw so I can't complain! 

I went home at about 10 and went straight to bed with some painkillers, I hope my teeth stop hurting soon because they're driving me mad, as is my electric chin. Matt forgot I'm having issues with my chin and stroked it tonight, after I'd peeled myself off the ceiling I was close to launching him across the room, but lucky for him I refrained!! 

To further assist with my pampering I covered my face with sudocreme do please excuse my white face on my mugshots!! 

I struggled together to sleep again, it took nearly 3 hours of tossing and turning to finally drop off. 

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