Recovery Day 61 - 16th February 2013

Woke up at 8:30, I was shattered so annoyed to be awake! Now I was awake there was no chance of going back to sleep as my gums and teeth where absolutely killing me. Got hubby to go and get me a drink so I could get some painkillers down me. After I'd taken my painkillers I sat in bed and after an hour or so I felt ok so got up. 

I had some ready brek with cinnamon for breakfast, then my mummy picked me up to babysit me for the afternoon while Matt was at work! It's better to have company or I just end up sat thinking 'ow, ouch, I'm in pain. My teeth are hurting, my chin is hurting etc' we nipped up to my aunties but she wasn't in, at least we got a little run in the car.

On the way home we stopped off in the village, we had a look round a few shops and we went into the fruit and veg shop. Mum picked a load of pink lady apples, wow the looked lovely. If theres one thing I can't eat in my condition... its apple.  Mum was cruel and ate an apple right in front of me, my mouth was literally watering. when we got back to hers she made me her special scrambled egg for lunch then for dessert she softened and grated some apple for me. It tasted so fresh, and I really enjoyed it. My teeth were killing me so I had some pain killers and did the chilli cream routine. 

In the afternoon I accompanied mum and dad to the supermarket, on the way home dad wanted to take us to Frankie and Bennys, but I had to decline as I was too sore and tired to start faffing around with food. I didn't want him to spend money on a meal that I may not be able to eat or enjoy. Things must be bad if I'm refusing to dine out.... Its my favourite past time! We had homemade chicken korma for tea, it wasn't up to the take away standard but it was nice. I can't complain at flavoursome sloppy meals! I'm grateful for anything that isn't soup! As I was eating my tea we heard 'ping' it was a band snapping.... How rude! Then when I was eating my yogurt for dessert we heard  a'ping' again and the other one popped off. So now I'm going to carry some spares round with me because I have to wear them constantly. From the picture you can see the size difference between the new and old bands.   

Matt came to pick me up when he finished work, I was tired and sore but was hoping for a good nights sleep. Im feeling really rough at the moment, the pain is pretty much worse now than when I first had the operation, I'm not enjoying my fat face, the rest of my body is fairly skinny so my face looks even more fatter and even more out of proportion. I know it's got to be like this for ever but I feel like people are looking at me all the time. The new elastics are so small they're  restricting my mouth opening and effecting my speech. 

Luckily I fell asleep nice and easy!! Aaahhhhhhh..... About time! 

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