Recovery Day 59 - 14th February 2013

Valentines Day!!! 

I woke up this morning feeling hung over, tired, frustrated and sore. Not sleeping is so frustrating, your just lay there thinking... Ouch, I'm sore, I can't sleep, times ticking, I need to be asleep now! I had an appointment with my GP this morning so I was out and at the doctors by 9am. I felt awful, and I don't know why but I feel people are looking at me. I know they aren't because to them I just look a little fat faced, but I want them to know I'm not fat faced, I'm puffy, puffy after double jaw surgery! 

Dr N, has been my GP since the day I was born so she knows me well, she knows all about the operation and has been monitoring my recovery. 

As I was still struggling with my ears, I asked her to check them. She said they were clear but with Eustachian tube dysfunction which is what she and Mr D have diagnosed me with, you wouldn't be able to see the issue. 

The Eustachian tube is a narrow tube that connects the middle ear with the back of the nose. The middle ear space behind the eardrum is normally filled with air. The air in the middle ear is constantly being absorbed by the cells that line the middle ear. So, fresh supplies of air are needed to get to the middle ear from time to time.NThe Eustachian tube is normally closed but opens from time to time when we swallow, yawn or chew. This allows air to flow into the middle ear and any mucus to flow out. This keeps the air pressure equal either side of the eardrum. Having equal air pressure on each side of the eardrum, and the middle ear free of mucus, enables the eardrum to work and vibrate properly, which is needed to hear properly. 

Eustachian tube dysfunction means that the Eustachian tube is blocked or does not open properly. Air cannot then get into the middle ear. Therefore, the air pressure on the outer side of the eardrum becomes greater than the air pressure in the middle ear. This pushes the eardrum inward. The eardrum becomes tense and does not vibrate so well when hit by sound waves.
Dr N suggested trying a steam room in a few weeks to see if that might loosen the trapped mucus. But not to try just yet because there's still a chance of infection. She couldn't prescribe any medication to clear it up, just just recommended pain killers and time. 

I also told her about this issue with my chin, the Trigeminal Neuralgia (shooting pains and electric shock in chin and gums) She agreed that this is unpleasant and painful but essentially is a good sign that the nerves are repairing and feeling will return. 100% feeling may not return but chances are something will. The right half of my bottom lip and chin is still completely dead and I can explain the trouble it's giving other than..... Vile! 

After the doctors I went home, collected my little doggies and we went on a 40 minute walk. Which was beneficial for them and me. Daylight, fresh air and gentle exercise are all good for your recovery. Spending as much time as possible sat up is also good as it helps reduce selling. Although sometimes with all the aches and pains you just want to lie down! 

Matt finished work at 4, and when he came home we exchanged valentines cards and gifts. I got my first valentines saying 'wife' on which was a lovely feeling. He also got me a card on the dogs, and some vouchers for my favourite beauty salon so I can go for a pampering session... That boy knows how to cheer me up!! 

After our Valentines exchange I got really restless, so Matt took me for a little drive and we popped in to see mum and dad for half and hour for a little chat. I've noticed that my speech has worsened since wearing these new miniature bands as they are restricting my mouth opening and my jaw doesn't seem to have the strength to open against the resistance. 

On the way home from mums we stopped off at our favourite Indian restaurant and ordered some tea. The usual chicken korma minus the chicken for me! While our food was being prepared we went home, I got ready for bed and we lit some candles, lit the fire and set a 'romantic mood' haha it has to be done.... It is valentines day!! The food was delicious, I only ate half of mine so that means tomorrow is a 'leftover lunch'

After tea we watched some TV then went to bed, as if by a miracle I fell asleep nice and easily. 

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