Recovery Day 58 - 13th February 2013

Got woken up at 6:30 by Matts alarm, I was really sore so I took some painkillers in a hope that I'd get back to sleep but it must have been 8am by the time I eventually fell back to sleep. I was then awake at 9am again! Grrrrr when I woke up the second time, my ears were a bit deaf so I got up right away. I couldn't take any more pain killers just yet but I could've done with some. 

For breakfast I had ready brek with some Nutella stirred into it. After breakfast I went back to bed for a bit, not for a sleep just to compose myself. I feel so drained at the moment. This pain is as annoying as severe toothache and it makes you want to curl up into a ball and go to sleep (except I can't sleep!!) I haven't got the strength or energy to even speak a lot of the time which isn't me as I'm a chatter box normally!! 

I got out of bed at lunch time to find it had been snowing... Again! So no walkies for us today! Matt popped home for lunch, I had a spicy tomato soup, it was quite nice having a hot soup on such a cold day. It was quite a thick soup so I ate it with a spoon, it was good that it was thick because I didn't spill too much of it down myself. 

At lunchtime the postman delivered a letter from work advising that I have to go in next week for a sickness case conference.  This letter really shook me up and I wanted to cry. Although not intentional on their part I instantly felt like I was being called in for a telling off, having to prove why I was absent. I'm already feeling guilty about being away from work as it is, so this letter didn't help matters. Theres no way i can go back yet, not until this pain subsides and the swelling reduces a bit more. I work about an hours drive from home and I've only driven 10-15 minute journeys up to now, 80% of them supervised by Matt, mum or dad. I'm so scared of being on a fast speed road and getting shooting pains / electric shock sensations and crashing my car. I also can hardly eat anything and am still weening between my sippy cup and real glasses. I'll just have to put the meeting to the back of my mind for a few days and concentrate on get better. 

I just pottered around at home for the afternoon, when Matt came home he brought me a lovely bouquet of flowers for valentines day off him and the dogs and a balloon, they just come at the right time as I was feeling a little bit down. It seems that the progress I'm making at the moment isn't as drastic as the early days, these lingering aches, pains, numbness and electric shocks are very stubborn and I just wish I'd feel at little improvement. These little niggles are side effects of jaw surgery, so are only to be expected when you consider what I've had done. 

For tea I made corned beef hash, served with baked beans and poached eggs. This was the perfect tea for a cold, rainy winters evening. To make corned beef hash I boiled 4 floury potatoes until soft. While they were boiling I chopped a red onion and two rashes of bacon into tiny pieces and cut up a tin of corned beef. When the potatoes were tender I mashed them with some butter, a dash of milk and salt and pepper. I then mashed the corned beef into the potatoes and stirred in the fried onion and bacon. I then placed it in an ovenproof dish and put in the oven for 20minutes. 

There was football on tonight so I had a look on my iPad while Matt watched that!! (I hate football)I must admit that at half time he did make pancakes so it made up for the 90 minutes of no attention!! I had Nutella on mine (yum yum)q

I went to bed about 10 and took a sleeping tablet. I Still didn't drop off until after 2am. This not sleeping business is very frustrating! I don't think the teeth pain is helping matters either! 

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