Recovery Day 57 - 12th February 2013

With such an awful nights sleep last night, I had a bit of a lie in this morning until 9:30, I woke up in agony from my teeth and jaw joints. This was clearly after all the orthodontics work yesterday. Still having issues with my ears, nose and cheeks aching and getting shooting pains in them and annoyingly I've also still got the hypersensitive chin and gum that if stimulated sends shocks up my face. I am feeling little shocks in my numb lip and chin even when it's not been touched so I'm hoping that a bit of feeling may be coming back. My face is still swollen, especially around my cheeks, this could take up to a year to go down though.

I got up and took some painkillers and went back to bed, another freezing cold, windy day so no walkies for me and the boys today, just cuddles instead! I stayed in bed until lunchtime then got up and changed my new little fidgety elastic bands, I have to use a dental hook to manoeuvre them over the posts, I have a feeling these little blighters are going to become a right nuisance!! 

For lunch I had last nights stuffed potatoes and they were just as delicious as last night! 

After lunch I was in a lot of pain and I couldn't just sit there as I was thinking about the pain, I decided that a little job I might be able to manage would be sorting out my kitchen cupboards and drawers. While I was doing that, it was taking my mind off the pain. 5 bin bags later and they were all organised and in order again. Such a sense of achievement sorting things out!!

Matt came home at 4pm and I got wrapped up and went out in the car with him to pick mum up from the train station. We were only out an hour and when we got home we had tea. It was an easy pasta carbonara dish for tea followed by pancakes for dessert. Pancakes chopped up small and cooked so they are soft are quite good to eat. I melted Milky Way stars onto mine and topped with blueberry compote. While eating my pancakes one of my bands snapped.... Annoying!! These bands are so small they really reduce mouth opening to about 2 fingers width.

By the time we had had our pancakes and watched a bit of TV I headed to bed, I was tired from my poor nights sleep last night and really sore. Despite being so tired it was well after when when I drifted off. 

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