Recovery Day 52 - 7th February 2013

Woke up at 7:30 by the sound of the horrible alarm, felt rough and the last thing I wanted to do was get up and face the day, as I had an appointment with Mr,D this morning there was no choice in the matter so it was up and in the shower, tablets, band change and my last nasal spray!! 

Arrived at the clinic and there was a 30 minute delay, 30 minutes isn't too bad for Mr D actually so that was a nice surprise. It's always nice to see Mr D, he seems genuinely interested and concerned in me. After a little chat I explained my issues ...

1) ear pain / deafness / Cheeks and nose pain
Possibly: Eustachian tube dysfunction 
He said this can happen after this type of surgery, at only 52 days in we're still in the early stages of the recovery process so the best course of action will be to see if this sorts itself out over a few months, it it doesn't sort itself out then I might need a to see somebody from ENT and may need grommets to assist

2) strange electric shock sensations in my chin going into my teeth and face. 
Possibly: Trigeminal Neuralgia
He said this is a side effect of the surgery and although not pleasant this is a good sign that the nerves are trying to knit together and get back into action. He has prescribed me with some Capsaicin cream to rub into my chin.  The cream is derived from red-hot chilli peppers it's thought to work by decreasing the amount of pain transmitting chemicals from the nerve cells in the area where the pain is. The pack says that when you first rub it on there is a burning or stinging sensation. (I haven't experienced the burning as I'm numb on my chin)  This burning/stinging sensation happens because the capsaicin causes the pain-transmitting chemical to be released into the skin from the nerves and the body senses this as burning or stinging.  It is also thought that the capsaicin is absorbed by nerve cells, is transported all the way to the spinal cord and decreases the amount of pain transmitting chemical that is sent on to the brain. It takes quite some time for the drug to move to the spinal cord – its recommend that you apply the cream for at least 6 weeks before deciding to give up. I'm certainly going to give it a try though. 

Mr D is not going to see me for a few months now, so he's going to let the orthodontic side of things get underway from Monday. 

When we got home I made Matt a bacon butty for his lunch, wow it smelt good!! But there's no way I could tackle a bacon butty. I had baby pasta in a tomato sauce. After lunch we went for a little walk, just 30 minutes today because the weather was really against us. More blustery, dull, rainy weather! 

After Matt had gone to work I chilled out by the fire with Binky and Boo until I had to pick mum up from the train station at 4:30. They love it when mummy's off work because they have company all day and they can snuggle up with me. I was back home and  in my pjs by 5:30!! 

For tea I had crushed petite pois, salmon with a cream cheese topping and roasted tomatoes. It was a nice light tea that required minimum chewing! I also made a freshly squeezed orange juice with blood oranges. I didn't have any dessert as I didn't fancy anything 

In the evening I chilled out at home and did some reading up on the internet about jaw surgery recovery. When i was getting ready for bed I got some of the chilli cream in my eye accidentally... ouch is all I'm going to say!! I went to bed at 9:30 and watched some TV until Matt got in from work. 

I struggled to get to sleep again, I was far too hot for a start and I just couldn't get comfortable or switch my brain off. 

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