Recovery Day 50 - 5th February 2013

Woke up and felt not too bad, my ears felt like they'd popped but I sometimes get that in the morning. I took some antibiotics, got washed, intensive teeth brushing, band changing and nasal spray. 

The upper lip has improved again today, its bit tingly but theres more feeling in it. Still getting shooting pains in my nose, cheeks and ears though which is a bit annoying as they're putting me off driving at the moment. The swelling is doing great, my cheeks are still puffy and so is the right hand side of my face, but the lower left hand side is less swollen now. I've been applying lots of medicated lip balm and I think in a few days my lips should be back to normal. They've take a very long time to heal. My teeth are really sore and aching at the moment and they feel almost sensitive, they've got that bad that brushing my teeth is that painful I've resorted to using a baby toothbrush again.

This morning I attempted to drink a glass of milk from a real glass, I managed it but it took a lot of concentration, and resulted in more spillage than actual consumption, so I'll stick to the sippy for now and try again in a few days. I made an effort to eat breakfast this morning and had a small portion of extra smooth ready brek with some cinnamon sprinkled over the top.

After breakfast I did a few jobs round the house and after that I was ready for a little sit down. I spent late morning sorting some emails and responding to some texts and did the very important job of ordering my husbands valentines day card!! 

At lunch time Matt nipped home, I had some cauliflower purée and stew that mum had prepared for me. I still can't chew but as long as the food is very soft I can get it down. As I said yesterday my meals are quite 'samey' at the moment but anything is an improvement on what my diet was 4 weeks ago. 

When Matt went back to work, I watched a bit of day time TV, the chat show I was watching was talking about air brushing celebrities pictures. I think there should be a notification on any picture displayed in public media saying the photograph has been airbrushed, what do you think? Vote on my poll and feel free to share your opinions. I think perfectly looking celebrities being plastered all over the Internet, newspapers, magazines are doing nothing for the women of today. I found these pictures of Britney Spears from the Daily Mail in 2010 where she released an un-airbrushed picture next to airbrushed images of herself. It's reassuring to see even Britney has a few dimples.

Being a female who has had a deformity of the face, albeit pretty minor, I know how hard it is to feel self conscious and to hate looking at pictures of yourself and not liking what you see when you look in the mirror. During my recovery from this surgery my face has looked different every couple of days depending on the swelling etc, if you're planning this surgery, my advice would be to go with it,give your body time to recover, the results will be well worth it.

Before Matt came in I had a shower and washed, dried and straightened my hair and got my pjs on. I got the house nice and toasty warm and lit my new cranberry flavour Yankee candle. 

For tea  I made miniature pasta with roasted tomatoes, red onion, mushroom and bacon pieces with a sweet chilli sauce. The pasta is so tiny, it's as small as rice and is perfect for me, no chewing required!! Dessert was Ben and Jerry's baked Alaska. After tea we watched some soaps then went to bed. After watching some TV in bed I fell asleep easily. 


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