Recovery Day 49 - 4th February 2013

Woke up at 9am, and to my amazement my head wasn't as groggy as normal! Yipppeeee When I touched my top lip it felt like it had pins and needles in it, it almost feels painful to touch. There's definitely some feeling back in my upper lip today. Another Yipppee and it's only 09:05!!! 

In order to ditch the sippy cup though,  I could do with a bit more feeling in my bottom lip because not feeling that leads to embarrassing spillages. I feel like I'm making little baby steps again now with my recovery instead of being in a recovery lull which is where I feel like I've been for a few weeks.

The weather is hideous again today with gale force winds, rain, hail, sleet and snow. These weather conditions mean one thing for me... PJ day with the fire on! 

I didn't have any breakfast this morning, well I don't think you can count two ibuprofen, two paracetamol and 3 antibiotics as breakfast! I just had a glass of milk. 

After getting washed, doing the nasal spray, teeth brushing, band changing I covered my lower brace in wax because I didn't want my bottom lip getting anymore cut and swollen. I couldn't feel the brace cutting my lips but I certainly don't want more swelling. 

After having a little tidy round of the house, slowly at my own pace it was time for Matt to pop home for lunch. I had pea and ham soup, only a small portion in my sippy cup as I wasn't really hungry. Matt had hot dogs with onions and tomato ketchup, they looked soooooo good!! 

When Matt went back to work I lay by the fire watching TV for a few hours, having no energy is not like me at all, the doctor said this is normal after an operation especially when fighting an infection so if I feel tired and drained I'm going to listen to my body and relax. 

My plan was to take the dogs for a walk this afternoon but there was a wicked sleet and hail blizzard outside and there no way me or them would enjoy our walk. 

For tea I made chilli, at the moment my meals are quite samey but Im very limited with what I can eat. Chewing is still a no no so lean minced steak with a sauce is the perfect meal at the moment. Dessert was Ben and Jerry's baked Alaska ice cream. Yum yum yum 

In the evening we just watched more TV, it's lovely being all cosy in the house with loved ones when the weather is so ghastly outside. Before bed I had a headache and throughout the day I've had pains in my ears, nose, cheeks and chin, not sure if these are the nerves repairing or something else. I'll be discussing then with Mr D on Thursday. I've also had aching teeth which I just can't put my finger on why. 

I struggled to get to sleep tonight but I think that was my fault for watching a TV programme about a place crash before bed

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