Recovery Day 47 - 2nd February 2013

I woke up this morning with the same pain in my cheek that I went to bed with last night. I also had really sore teeth and gums. I can't explain the pain in the teeth and gums, its almost like an aching pain. 

After taking some pain relief I lay in bed for half an hour and psyched myself up to get the antibiotics down me. Me and tablets don't go but me a liquid medicine don't go either so its a no win situation. 

As Matt was playing football I went and spent some time with mum, we went into the village and had a look in a few shops, it's a shame that I'm feeling the cold so much at the moment because its making me not want to go out. I did find a nice holiday dress in the sale, I tried a size 10 on and it was like a tent on me! They didn't have any smaller sizes either... Typical

We had a bite to eat in a little cafe, I had a baked potato, I mashed the flesh of it with bean, cheese and butter. I didn't have my weening spoon with me and it was more awkward with a teaspoon. Mum asked the lady to make me a hot chocolate in my sippy cup, she just started laughing which I found very rude indeed!! 

In the evening mum, Matt and I decided we were going to have a take away as dad was away for the night and he hates take away. We had indian, I got a chicken korma and rice. I took all the meat out of it and gave it to mum and Matt and I just had the sauce. I also had some saag aloo which is potatoes and spinach... Again all mashable! It was a lovely little treat, although I couldn't eat it all, I gave it a good go! I'll have the left overs for my lunch tomorrow. 

The pain at the moment is not excruciating all the time, it's more annoying and draining and with it being in your face it makes you just want to lie down and close you eyes. The cheek pain is almost constant, just on the right hand side and it feels like I've been punched right in the bone. Shooting pains in my ears and nose come and go but they do take my breath away. The pains in my teeth and gums is also like an ache and is like really annoying toothache. The shooting pain in my lips and chin come and go. The swelling is doing really well too, I think now its mainly in my cheeks but it does still change depending on activity. When people see me they say i just look normal but I can notice the swelling around my eyes and cheeks quite a lot. . In regards to numbness my lower lip and chin and completely dead, my upper left lips has about 30% upper right lip 20% and cheeks about 50-60% 

After watching some TV Matt and I went home and went to bed. 

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