Recovery Day 46 - 1st February 2013

Woke up at 9am, my first question to my husband was did he punch me in the face during the night because my cheek felt like it had taken a good blow to it. He said he hadn't so I believed him!! He went downstairs and sorted the dogs out then brought me my sippy cup full of milk so I could take my pain killers and my antibiotics. 

We then both had a little tidy up, it seemed to take me ages, I did the kitchen and Matt did the rest. (There are positives to being ill)I was also struggling with my hand after my fall the other day. It's very bruised. 

For lunch I had sieved pea and ham soup in my sippy cup followed by more antibiotics!!

In the afternoon Matt took me to get my nails done, that always cheers me up! It's amazing how something so little can make you feel more like you.

In the evening I got my Pjs on, got the heating and the fire on, lit some candles and lay on the couch with the dogs. I was so drained and this was the perfect evening, well apart from the fact my husband was missing but he had to work.

For my tea I had salmon mashed with cream cheese, roasted sweet potato  mash and roasted tomatoes, for dessert I had a lemon cheesecake, it was a healthy living one from tesco and the base was just like dust, it wasn't solid. 

After tea me and the dogs went to bed and watched TV. 

I've had loads of shooting pains today in my cheeks, lips and nose. They last 10 seconds or so and they stop you in your tracks. The swelling is doing amazingly well, it's mainly on my cheeks now.

Fell asleep nice and easily tonight. 

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