Recovery Day 43 - 29th January 2013

Wow, despite getting to sleep reasonably easily last night I woke up groggy as anything this morning. I had a really bad headache, sore teeth and gums (even though I can't feel them) Aching nose, sore ears and shooting pains in my chin.  

I had a lazy morning, I had plans to see friends in the afternoon so I wanted to save what bit of energy I had for then. 

I had no energy at all if I'm honest, and I had to keep taking a rest while drying and straightening my hair,despite taking  painkillers first thing and again after lunch the pains just wouldn't lift. 

I went to meet friends at 4:30, Matt drove me I felt so bad. It was nice to have a little chat and a hot chocolate. Ive found that some shops, restaurants and cafés are very sympathetic and caring while others just look at me like I've got two heads when I ask for a drink in my sippy cup. The place we went to today is a garden centre, the lady serving was very confused by my request! I had to go into detail that I'd had jaw surgery and couldn't use a normal cup etc it was very stressful ordering a hot chocolate but it tasted yummy and after all the confusion the lady only charged me 40p for it instead of £3 something.

In the evening I had extra lean steak mince, with roasted sweet potato mash, roasted tomatoes and a gravy all mashed together and it was gorgeous. Im getting used to preparing slop now! My dessert was a very loose rice pudding made by mummy and that was very nice too.

I've tried using normal cutlery and glasses and I can't quite manage yet. I think when I get some feeling back in my lips I'll be more successful. I seem to have a very small percentage of feeling back in my cheeks. Well it doesn't feel normal like if I touch my hand or something. It feels tingly or almost stingy but it's good news and a step in the right direction. 

I went to bed at 8pm because I was in pain and felt very lethargic. I lay in bed and watched TV for a bit. My ears, nose and chin had almost constant shooting pains in them. Before I went to sleep I set my alarm for 08:30 so I could call the doctors in the morning. Increased pain is a worry to me, by now the pain should be subsiding not getting worse.

I fell asleep really early... Yipppeee second night in a row!! 

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