Recovery Day 39 - 25th January 2013

Woke up at 0900, hungover minus the alcohol, still with this pain in my cheek. This pain is a new thing that's started over the last 2-3 days and if its not improved by Monday I think I will give Mr D, my consultant a call and see what he thinks it is.

The swelling on the lower left hand side of my face is looking quite good today, but with that being minimised the right side looks bigger. Despite that, its nowhere near as big as day 2&3 when it really peaked.  You only realise how much things have changed when you actually look back. 

I took my morning pain killers which is a must for me at the moment to enable me to operate. Then commenced the nasal spray, intense teeth brushing and band changing. Since the operation I feel like I've not been able to clean my teeth properly. I think this is due to the restriction in mouth opening, I've tried using a baby toothbrush but that's not much good either. When Mr D discharged me and prescribed me with an anti bacterial medicated mouthwash he said this could stain my teeth but not to worry as the stains will come off when my teeth are cleaned professionally. Next time I go to Miss F the orthodontist I'm going to see if she can refer me to the hygienist.

I was accompanying my dad to a funeral today so I had to go the whole hog with a hair dry and straighten and make -up, it's so strange putting stuff on my skin and I can't even feel it and I don't look like me. Well when I say I can't feel it, I kind of can in some places put not properly. 

I had butternut squash soup for lunch, it was a cold, snowy day so that was a nice lunch.

I really wouldn't be leaving the house under normal circumstances with this awful weather but today with the funeral I had to.

It was so cold at the crematorium, it was snowing and was 0 degrees. When we were waiting outside I was cold to the bone and my face was really aching. 

As its Friday, a north west of England tradition is chip shop tea night, I've not had a chippy tea for what feels like a lifetime but really it's since mid November. Mum and dad suggested I try a fish cake, cut it open, scoop out the middle and mash it with a bit of butter. So mum, dad and Matt when to the chippy and I had a fish cake... Not quite the same but it was nice. The batter looked and smelt amazing but there was no way I could get that down so mum took care of that for me!!!

Spent the evening at mum and dads and the snow was really coming down. I can't wait for the weather to warm up a bit. 

I've been suffering with some sharp pains in my nose, ears and lips tonight as well as the cheek pain. I was so tired with the adventure of the funeral I dropped off to sleep really quickly. 

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