Recovery Day 38 - 24th January 2013

I woke up groggy again this morning, this could be linked to the possible sinus damage / issue as I've spent time through the night lay down. The swelling is looking really good, although I still don't look like me yet and the swelling fluctuates depending on the circumstances. It's always worst first thing in the morning, due to being lay down and then gets worse if I've been especially active for example nattering with visitors!! 

The pain levels are pretty much the same, pain still in my teeth, gums, upper and lower jaw, aching nose then the odd shooting pains in my ears and the pain I had in my cheek yesterday was still there but didn't seem as bad this morning. The pain is not excruciating but it's there! 

After doing my usual morning routine of pain killers, nasal spray and band changing I thought I'd get washed and dressed and put a bit of make up, I normally wear make up every day but now it's almost painful to apply and because I don't quite look like me looking in the mirror isn't on my list of favourite things to do. Don't get me wrong, I'm over the moon with the results and I'm sure when the swelling goes down it'll get easier.

After getting dressed, I was worn out so I spent the day pottering round at home, I was going to take the dogs for a walk but the temperature outside was -2 which hurts my face even if I do cover it. Instead I took pictures of the dogs looking cute... Here's one of Binky!! 

For my lunch I had some shepherds pie that mum had prepared for me. 

When Matt came home I made some tea of spaghetti bolognese. When it was in a completely finished state I separated mine and put it through the blender so it was more smooth. I then cooked a few pieces of baby pasta and stirred it through the sauce. Although it didn't look like spaghetti bolognese, it taste like it!! I also had a freshly squeezed orange juice made with 3 oranges, sieved with ice. I'm doing this to assist with toilet troubles!! 

Since I've been back on full time slop for the last 4 days I've not had any heartburn. There's no way I could chew just yet so going to stay on the slop. 

After tea I said I wanted to nip to mum and dads, I decided to drive. It's only a very short car journey. It still felt strange driving and I don't think I could drive alone or a long journey yet. The reason for this is because of the pain. When I get the shooting pains it does take my breath away and if this was to happen when driving I could have an accident. 

My treat tonight was putting a Milky Way magic star on my tongue and letting it melt! 

We went to bed at 10pm and watched some TV. I noticed when Matt was having a drink I still can't gulp consecutive sips. I just can't get my lips to move. I tried to, but that just ended with a change of a pyjama top after it went all over me!!

When we turned the lights off ready to go to sleep I couldn't drop off, it felt like there were loads of little ants running over my 
face, there was also the odd electric shock feeling. Although annoying, I believe this is only a good thing and hopefully some feeling may be on its way back!! 

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