Recovery Day 8 - 25th December 2012

M e r r y    C h r i s t m a s ! ! !

Thanks to my new painkillers I had a peaceful night and didn't wake until 0900, ok I was in agony when I woke ,but at least I'd had a nice nights sleep.

Matts and I spent a few hours opening our Christmas presents and watching TV. I had an iced smoothie for breakfast. (still struggling with what to eat for breakfast)

I then had a shower and washed my hair, its strange how a daily chore such as bathing can tire you out so much. 

We then all went to mums where we exchanged more presents!!!

I'm so spoilt!!!

To start for Christmas dinner we had butternut squash and sweet  potato soup which was delicious, after that I took my medication. Then my sister and her partner came round, During their visit I fell asleep. (oops)

When they had gone we had our main meal. Mum, dad and Matt had the traditional turkey with all the trimmings that looked amazing. The dogs had roast turkey too!!
I had Christmas dinner soup that did actually taste like Christmas dinner!! I could taste turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce,potatoes ad gravy in it, it really was very nice. Mum was very conscious not to focus the day on food, she didn’t even set the table. They just ate on their laps.

At 7pm I got my pj's on and Matt put his onsie on! And we watched TV. I felt a lot better in myself on the new painkillers. Bruising and swelling still strong and still very dribbly.

Had another good nights sleep

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