Recovery Day 7 - 24th December 2012

Today is Christmas Eve, I Woke up at 0800, Matt has already left for work. In the middle of the night I had already asked him to ring the doctors at 08:27 to try and get me an appointment. As it was was Christmas Eve, the doctors was obviously going to be crazy busy. He text me at 08:30 ( the time the doc opens) saying he was 39th in the queue for his call to be answered!!!!
At the dread that I may not get an appointment, I thought I'd call too so I called and went in at 20th place in the queue. Miraculously, despite me calling after Matt my call got answered first but the person on the other end of the phone claimed they couldn't understand me so hung on. My speech wasn't great due to the swelling, but I'm sure the recptionist could have tried a little harder to assist me. Luckily Matts call got answered and I got an appointment for 10:25.
When I went into the doctors it was full of people coughing and spluttering. I felt very conscious about the way I looked but it was obvious I'd had an operation. When I went in, the doctor was already aware I'd had an operation and I explained the issues with the liquid medicine making me feel nauseous and not taking the edge off the pain. He said to try swallowing some paracetamol and some codeine tablets that are very small. The codeine also make you drowsy so could help with the sleeping issue.
After the appointment at the doctors I went and had my nails done and met a a girl that had had the same operation as me months ago. In all honesty, I probably wasn't up to even having my nails done, but I figured that it may just help me feel like me again. I went back to mums for more home made soup after our appointment and for my dessert was frozen banana with cinnamon which was also yummy. I took the tablets and a friend from work nipped round with my christmas presents and a lovely get well card and gift.

In the afternoon I really fancied a mince pie, warm mince pies with  double cream are my Christmas vice. Mum managed to make a mince pie soup. It tasted just like mince pie and cream,after that I fell asleep watching the good of Christmas Eve showing of home alone.

At 4 o clock Matt finished work and came to mums, he then went and got Binky and Boo from our house.

I had more soup for tea and we spent the evening watching TV, it was a lovely evening and the painkillers were working well. I didn't feel as sick which was a bonus.

Dad went to bed early because he had man flu.

Swelling and bruising still present, pain more under control with the tablets. Lips, gums and face are numb.

I managed to have a much needed good nightssleep.

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