Recovery Day 5 - 22nd December 2012

Had a broken nights sleep last night, I couldn't get comfortable and felt sick.

For breakfast I had watered down blended baked beans... Yum!! NOT

I had some gorgeous flowers delivered from my friend Caroline and they really cheered me up.

Today is the anniversary of my nans death, I decided I wanted Matt to take me out in the car to the grave so I could put some Christmas ornaments on it. We called mum and she said she would come too. I had a shower and washed my hair, it was tiring but when I was clean and moisturised and my hair had been washed, dried and straightened I felt a bit brighter.

I got all wrapped up and we nipped to dads shop, he shouted at me for being out! We then went and picked mum up and headed for the cemetery. It was a really miserable, gloomy rainy day but I was glad I managed to get myself up and there to pay my respects.

When we had been to the grave we went back to mums, dad had obviously fed back my upset in regards to eating because mum had made me 3 fresh soups.

I was struggling to drink so dad suggested I try tea... I never drink tea but anything was worth a try. Reluctantly I drank it and it was actually ok!
I tried some of mums soups in my trusty beaker, they were delicious and it was reassuring knowing I was getting some fresh goodness into me. She made tomatoe and red onion soup, parnsip and carrot, and broccoli, cauliflower and blacksticks blue cheese soup.

I was still feeling nauseous today and every time I had to take the pain relief I was close to vomiting.
As you can see from the below picture, the swelling was still very much present as was the bruising, I was still dribbling all over the place and the medication just didn’t seem to be doing anything.

Matt’s aunty is a threatre nurse, She suggested rubbing some Volterol cream on my neck and shoulders to see if that helped. Anything was worth a try so I gave it a go. It did seem to take the edge off the pain, I got myself all tired out so I headed to bed early.

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