Recovery Day 4 - 21st December 2012

Matt was back at work today so I was awake at 7 when his alarm off. I got up and psyched myself up to get the awful pain relief down me. I could just about manage the liquid ibuprofen but the paracetamol based medicine was disgusting and it just made me feel and be physically sick. I asked Matt to pick me up some calpol to see if that would go down easier. At 8am I went back to bed and Matt came home at 0900 and woke me up with some calpol. The calpol didn't taste much better and I was feeling very nauseas again.

Dad and Barney his dog popped round at lunch time with some soup,it was tomato and red pepper from the bakery in the village, I really enjoyed it. They stayed for a few hours and after they had gone I found the energy to have a shower and a freshen up to try and make myself feel a bit better... it worked a bit but I found it hard to look in the mirror as I didn't look like me.

It was nearing another dreaded meal time, Matt had bought some cartons of soup for me to eat but we decided I might try some mashed potatoes.... Bad idea is all I'm saying!! We didn't have any actual potatoes we had a Pre packed carton of mash, the more Matt worked it the more it turned to a wallpaper paste consistency. While Matt was working on the potato dad and Barney popped round. I started getting frustrated and upset because the potatoe was a gloopy nightmare and I just didn't know what to eat. It got so bad I just broke down in tears. Dad and Matt started suggesting different things but I didn't fancy anything. I hate soup when I feel normal!! I was feeling so nauseous that I couldn't even drink anything. Dad said he would go to Tesco and see if he could get anything.

He came back with some smoothies and some custard pots. I settled on a mango and passion fruit smoothie in my beaker for my tea.

The swelling and bruising was still intense, the inside of my mouth was very bruised and swollen. I was very dribbly and was constantly wiping my mouth.

Matt and I watched a Christmas film then I went to bed. I was finding it hard to sleep. I normally lie on my side and I couldn't now. Ihad to lie almost sat up with a pad (like a puppy training pad) over my shoulder to catch the dribbles from my swollen numb lips. I woke up in the night in pain and had to battle getting the medicine down again. It was as though my throat and senses had become very sensitive and as soon as I looked at something I was sick.

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