Recovery Day 3 - 20th December 2012

At about 8:30, Mr D’s registrar came round, he checked my nose and was happy enough for the pack to be removed. My nose was a mess underneath full or blood, snot and god knows what else. The registrar then said he'd be happy for me to go home today. I was delighted but felt a little overwhelmed and vulnerable. I was told I couldn't leave until after lunch when Mr D had been to see me. I told Matt to come to host for lunchtime and to waste some time I watched TV on the iPad, had a shower and packed. If anything I had majorly overexerted myself and I was shattered by the time Matt got in to pick me up. We sat round for a few hours and had some lunch of cauliflower soup. The nurse brought me my pain relief to take home.

At about 1400, Mr D came round and had a little chat, he checked my bite and spoke to me about what to expect over the next few days.

I then got wrapped up and made the walk to the car. It was very surreal and the journey home seemed to take forever. I fell asleep on the way home. When I got in I got to see my beloved little puppies Binky and Boo who were very excited to see me. I was so tired I went to bed and slept for 2 hours.

When I woke up I was faced with the decision... What the hell to eat? All I could manage was soup and I hate soup. I actually fancied some sweet potato. Poor Matt went out but couldn't get any and come back with root vegetables. He boiled them up and mixed them with gravy. It was pretty average to be honest and at this point I realised that eating was going to be a struggle.

Dad and mum came round, and it was lovely to see them mum brought me some flowers and Matt got me a lovely bouquet of flowers too.

My next challenge was to tackle my nose, it was blocked and full with dry blood. At first I tried to get it out with earbuds and hot soapy water... Not a chance. That tar like blood wasn't going anywhere. In the end I had to get a pair of tweezers and pull these solid clots from my nose. As my nose began to clear, breathing became easier and I felt relieved. My throat was very sore, I managed to shine a torch into my mouth and I saw all the bruising inside, no wonder it was sore.

I went to bed at 10pm and tried to take my pain relief, tried is the important word here because as hard as I tried I just kept throwing it back up. It was like my throat had become totally sensitive to any smell, texture or taste it didn't like and I just vomited it up. I got myself into such a state. I fell asleep sat up and woke at 7am when Matts alarm went off.

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