Recovery Day 24 - 10th January 2013

After struggling to sleep last night had a lie in until 9:45, when I woke up I was still getting the shooting pains. With them and the increased swelling I asked matt to call the doctors. I wanted them to check me out just in case.

I got an appointment for 11am so I took my painkillers and got dressed. We got to the doctors at 10:50 and I was still waiting to be seen at 11:30. I sat with a scarf over my face as I couldn't be bothered with people staring at me.

When I went in I explained my situation to the doctor. She openly admitted that she didn't know what to do with me as they don't see many maxillofacial patients in the surgery. She rang the on call maxillofacial consultant and explained the situation. They said what was described sounded like an infection. They prescribed me two antibiotics. Amoxicillin and Metronidazole. Oh marvellous... More tablets to attempt to swallow. And not little ones either. I'm useless at taking tablets when I'm able bodied so you can imagine the challenge when I've got restricted mouth usage and I often feel sick. Sometimes I just have to look at them or think about and I retch.

After I'd picked up my prescription we went home and I had something to eat. The reason for this was not because it was lunchtime or because I was hungry it was because the metronidazole has to be taken after food, on a full stomach. Well I can assure you, my stomach hasn't been full since 18th December! I had some soup for lunch then took the tablets.

At 3pm Matt and I left for my appointment at the dental hospital. I wasn't looking forward to the appointment but was intrigued to see what Nora had to say, she hadn't seen me since the surgery.

No sooner had we arrived and booked in was my name being called. I've never had such a quick wait. Nora

was very sympathetic and totally understood how I was feeling. She had a look at my bite and seemed quite pleased. She gave me some tips for brushing my teeth. Then she fitted me with some elastic bands. I had to wear 2 in total. One went from the 3rd upper ball hook from the centre of my mouth to the left and the other to the right. They then stretched and hooked onto the rear molar brace bracket.

Nora told me I had to change the bands twice a day as these were hold my jaw in its new position.

We went home and Matt had some tea then when to work. After I had had my tea of mash, mashed cauliflower and mashed fish dad picked me up and took me to his for a bit to save spending the evening on my own.

I went to mums and watched some TV then dad took me home. I still needed to take 1 more set of antibiotics but that meant eating something. It was 11pm and I wasn't hungry at all. I had some jelly and took the antibiotics. I choked on them both and was sick... Grrrrr I hate taking tablets. I knew it was a must so just got on with it.

Matt came home and I took my painkillers and went to bed.

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