Recovery Day 18 - 4th January 2013

Woke up at 9:30, went down to get the boys and get the milk to take my tablets with. I then had a shower and moisturised. After my shower I got an awful stomach ache. I felt like I needed to go to the toilet but I couldn't.

I decided to have a sit on the loo. I felt a stool was working its way out but it just wouldn't move any further, I was doubled over in pain, felt sick and faint. This was the most awful feeling, I rang mum who said I needed to try a suppository.

Matt was due home for lunch so I asked him to pick some up from mum. I was desperate and felt absolutely awful, my bottom and stomach was in a lot of pain, I was sweating and crying. When Matt came home I grabbed the suppositories from him and sent him and the dogs downstairs. (I needed privacy)

I read the name on the suppository packaging and typed it into Google where it took me to the website that gave instructions on how to use it. The website said to unwrap it, dampen it with water then push it as far up you bottom as possible. Leave it for 15 mins then it should work. I followed the instructions. It felt horrible and I felt an immediate urge to go. I waited as long as I could but then had to sit back on the loo. As soon as I sat down a load of unpleasant smelling water gushed from my bottom.

I still felt blocked though. I decided to try another Incase I hadn't got the first suppository up far enough. (I was a suppository virgin after all!!) so I inserted another, left it in again for about 15 minutes then had the same urge. Again I passed poo smelling liquid. My stomach and body where trying to force something out of my bottom but it wasn't budging. I couldn't control it. I then passed some more liquid, I couldn't decide if it was poo or the suppository. So I decided to try one last one. I put another one in and set a timer on my phone. After about 20mins I dived to the toilet and passed the same unpleasant smelling liquid.

There appeared to be hard faeces trapped in my rectum that couldn’t release. This was proper constipation and it was horrendously painful and my body was involuntarily trying forcing the blockage out.
The running to the toilet passing smelly water like liquid lasted all afternoon. I asked Matt to pick up some lactulose for my to take to assist me also.

At 6pm it all calmed down, my bottom was very sore and almost aching. I dropped off to sleep for 10 minutes then Matt came home. We made some tea, I had blended macaroni cheese, It was quite nice. I also had 2 beakers of freshly squeezed orange juice.

If the constipation did anything, it took my mind off the jaw pain. I had a few incidents where I had to run from the living room to the loo and I made it by a second between pooing my pants and getting it down the toilet. It was very very close on more than one occasion.

At about 9:30 we went to bed, I had an urgent trip to the toilet again, luckily managed to go without incident and I felt a bit better.

It was an afternoon of hell, I took my tablets but was too scared to go to sleep Incase I had an accident.

Think I dropped off about 1:30, my tummy was very loud gargling and churning.

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