Recovery Day 13 - 30th December 2012

Morning are just so painful, I think a mixture of running out of painkillers overnight and leaning on my face while sleeping are the main factors. Lower lip swelling has come right down although face still very puffy. There are just a few yellow bruises left on my lower jaw and under my eyes. My bite seems to be quite inline too. My teeth are very sensitive and brushing my teeth is a challenge as I can't open my mouth that much. I still can't speak very well but the dribbling has stopped (unless I'm excited!)

We needed some supplies for the house so were nipping I nipped out with Matt, I wouldn't go into any of the shops I'd just wait outside but appreciated a run in the car. On the way I asked Matt if we could look in Dobbies. It was horrible in there, there were no traces of Christmas. Just loads of reduced clutter everywhere. Dobbies has a lovely cafe so I suggested we look what soup they had on offer. They had tomato and lentil and a vegetable. They were both smooth so I opted for vegetable. I asked the waitress to put it straight into my sippy cup. She seemed very surprised at this request. I went and sat down while Matt paid, at this stage I still had my scarf round my face. When he came over with the food I took my scarf off. People started having a little point and stare. Then when I started drinking soup out of my sippy cup other customers were mesmerised! I was totally the Dobbies cafe afternoon entertainment. I didn't really care, I know I've sat and stared at people before, it's quite obvious that I've had something done and besides.... The soup was delicious and as a bonus it was free as the lad on the till didn't know what to put it through as!

We nipped to mums on the way home to tell them about the free soup and so I could take my tablets. We watched a bit of TV. I had pepper soup for my tea after putting on a protest and not eating it until 8:30pm while everyone else had pizza (cruel)

When we got home I had my tablets and went to sleep.

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