Recovery Day 12 - 29th December 2012

Had an ok sleep last night, I was very sore when I woke up so took my tablets and stayed in bed for an hour while they took and I felt a bit better.

On the way to football Matt dropped mum and I at my Aunties, its nice going to differant houses for a change of scenery. Its ok as long as you wrap up, take your painkillers, sippy cup and own food if required and you don't stay out too long and tire yourself out. We had a chat for a few hours, I had some soup for lunch that just wasn't flowing down well at all. I had some pain killers, then dad came to pick us up. Matts football was cancelled so he came back round.  We left at about 3 o'clock and went back to mums.

I fancied something to eat but couldn't quite put my finger on what so Matt and I nipped the Tesco. After a long look round we got some salmon mousse to try, some avocados, crime brûlées and I got some super smooth ready brek to try for breakfast. (at last an option for breakfast!!)

So with my little purchases we headed back to mums, the avocado was a disaster as it was too hard and the salmon mousse was just too rich.... Back to soup for tea!!

We watched a bit of TV with dad as mum went to bed because she wasn't feeling too good. We had the creme brûlée for dessert, it was ok. I only managed a bit because it was thicker than I would personally make it. Infact it wasn't anywhere near as nice as mine.

Then we went home, I took my tablets then went to bed.

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