Recovery Day 10 - 27th December 2012

Got up at 06:45 in order to have a
shower, dad picked me up at 08:15 and we went to the hospital for a post op check up appointment. I had iced vanilla milk for breakfast.

The hospital was really quiet, the quietest I've ever seen the car park. When we got to clinic 5 in the elective care centre the reception wasn't open. After waiting for about 20 mins some of the nurses came and spoke to us. They weren't expecting us (despite Mr D arranging the appointment on discharge!!) however they called Mr D’s secretary, Mr D was in theatre so he said his registrar Mr L should see me. I was happy that it was going to be Mr L, he had seen me when I was on the operating table and was well aware of me. He was doing the ward rounds so I had a little wait for him.
After 15minutes of waiting for him he came over and called me straight in. He took some time asking me how I was etc, he then had a look inside my mouth. He was really happy with where I was up to given it had only been 10 days since the operation. He spent some time touch my face asking me what I could feel. Most of my face apart from my forehead is still numb but he said this was normal. He said he was so pleased that he wasn't going to do anything at all. That was good news, but I dread to imagine what he would have done if he hadn’t have been happy!!! I then went for an X-ray which was all done and dusted really quickly.

On the way home dad got me a banana milkshake from McDonald's, we sat in and I put the milkshake in my sippy cup. People were staring at me but it was obvious I had had surgery and I didn't care that they were looking. I thoroughly enjoyed the milkshake, it was so soothing on my still sore and swollen throat.

Dad was a bit of a monkey and took the whole day off work, when we got back to his we had lunch (soup) I had a sippy cup of tea and took my tablets. I then fell asleep for a few hours. I woke up and seen dad and Barney were asleep too!! I then fell back asleep.

I had another good sleep, I was clearly exhausted from the trip to the hospital.

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