It's all go... Again!!

Lets rewind to 29th October 2008, when I visited my dentist who noticed I was struggling to open my mouth during my examination. He was so concerned by my struggle, that he advised me to visit GP.

The following day, I went to my doctor, who referred me to a maxillofacial surgeon.

On the 18th November 2008, I attended Walton Hospital and met maxillofacial Consultant Mr Dodd for the first time. Ever since he has taken care of KjS-T's Jaw Journey... and what a journey its been!

I always thought my headaches, aching teeth and sort jaw joints were down to working shifts in a busy Police Control Room... But it turns out that these, along with restricted mouth opening were the symptoms of Condylar Hyperplasia - Overgrowth of the mandible (jaw bone)

It is believed that a trauma at birth caused my mandible to overgrow in my late teens. The growth caused movement to my teeth , and visually my face looked asymmetric.

I had numerous tests, scans and x-rays to find out if the bone was still actively growing. Unfortunately, the bone was active and on the 13th July 2010, I was admitted to Aintree Hospital for a Condylar Shave on my left side, to remove the bone and prevent further damage.

On the 10th August 2010, I was readmitted to hospital for further surgery after contracting an infection in my mouth, gums & wisdom teeth.

I was fitted with train track braces in 2011, to prepare my teeth for a Bi-Maxillary Osteotomy to realign my jaw on 18th December 2012.

I had that procedure on 18th December 2012. It
was a lengthy recovery, but on the hole was successful. My bite felt considerably more comfortable once recovered, but due to a complication I have been left with Trigeminal Neuralgia in my chin.  

Basically, I get electric shock feelings on my chin and lower lip, these never ease, and are at their worst when I talk, chew, kiss my husband and brush my teeth. This is a side effect that will stay with me forever. I have tried various medications, creams and pain management therapy and nothing has worked. The only thing that eased this issue, was when Mr Dodd injected local anaesthetic into it. It felt like I was on cloud 9... total relief... just a shame it doesn't last.

So for the last few years, I've started getting a lot of pain in right jaw joint. It's become very crunchy, clicky, and it locks and aches... a lot!

Some days I struggle to even chew soft fruit, it feels like I am chewing treacle. The more I use the joint, the more painful it gets... I talk, laugh & smile a lot, so I am in agony most of the time. Its a very draining pain, and I feel quite exhausted from it.

Mr Dodd performed an Arthroscopy on 18th September 2017, and described the joint as "knackered" Initially he thought he may try a Meniscopexy, open jaw joint procedure, however was concerned that it wouldn't work long term. After second opinions and toing and froing, the decision has been made that total jaw joint replacement is now my only option.

The joint needs as little intervention as possible for the jaw joint replacement to work, so we're missing the Meniscopexy out and jumping straight to the new joint.
The thought of a joint replacement fills me with fear... however on my 6th procedure, I have total trust that I am in good hands with Mr Dodd.

KjS-T x

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the next journey
    All the family are supporting you ��
