Recovery Day 120 - 16th April 2013

So today I'm 120 days post op and I'm finally on the right
path. For a little while now the jaw side of things have been great. There is the odd achey pain if my jaw has been working particularly hard but on the whole from a bone side of things, we are pretty much there on a recovery front. I'm happy with how everything is looking and feel that I'm finally starting to look like my old self again but with a lovely little jaw now. 

In regards to my blocked Eustachian tubes and damaged sinuses we have movement too. The doctor suggested that I try to use steam to free the trapped mucus. On this advice I've been sitting in the steam room at the gym and the most horrendous green, orange and bloodied glue like substances have been coming out of my nose and running down the back of my throat. This substance is not normal, every day snot... This is the strangest thing I've ever seen. Things aren't sorted yet as I'm still deaf when I first wake up and get sore ears and cheeks. I'm going to keep up with the steam rooms to keep things moving. I've got the results of the CT scan on Thursday so hopefully we'll have confirmation either way of what's going on with these tubes and sinuses. 

Unfortunately I'm still having issues with the Trigeminal Neuralgia, take my word, this is one nasty condition. Over the last few weeks I've built the tablets up to 9 a day. 3 morning, 3 afternoon, 3 bedtime. I hate taking tablets but I'm literally willing to try anything. The pain is awful and literally leaves me drained and in tears. There has been a big improvement in the pain and it feels as though its been turned down when I'm talking but when smiling, laughing, chewing and brushing my teeth it's still very much there. I'm literally crying when brushing my teeth.

I'm hoping now I'm on the top dose I'll get an improvement. My doctor has said that the medication is an accumulative medication so she is hoping to see a change in the pain levels. The knock on effect of taking so many tablets means my heads is a little dreamy and woozy making driving and concentrating difficult. I went to the doctors the other day and had to fill out a form and I managed to spell my address and my doctors name wrong! 

Numbness wise I still can't feel my lower right lip, overall this doesn't bother me too much apart from when food gets stuck on it and I have no idea! 

I've been wearing my new brace bands for nearly 8 weeks now and I am back at the dental hospital on Monday, where I'm hoping for news of the removal of the brace! Eek the thought excites me no end!